Auto flash integrated circuit
U643B U2043B U6043B U6433B U2640B U2641B U2642B U641B U642B U840B U842B
U6032B U6046B U6047B U6049B U479B U2481B U2482B U4790B U4791B U4993B
LT4761 UAA1041B LD1041 SE336
U643B lamp load > 1W, 30m parallel improved electromagnetic compatibility, load speed protection DIP8, SO8
U2043B lamp load > 10W, 30 m parallel improved electromagnetic compatibility, indicating lamp DIP8, SO8
The light load U2044B > 10W, 30 m parallel to maintain the current < 10 microamps, double flash relay DIP14, SO14
U6043B lamp load > 1W, 18 m parallel improved electromagnetic compatibility, load speed protection DIP8, SO8
The light load U6432B > 1W, 18 m low current consumption mode to keep parallel < 10 microampere SO8
U6433B lamp load > 1W, 18 m parallel improved electromagnetic compatibility, load speed protection SO8
Wiper and rub / Wash Control IC
U2640B with metal shield option of the variable timing of the universal wiper relay action: 0.48 seconds, 5.8 seconds, rub: 5.2 seconds, the pre washing delay: 0.52 seconds DIP8, SO8
U2641B with a metal shield option for the variable timing of the universal wiper with the same multiples of U2640B, but for the polarity of the WIWA switch DIP8, SO8
U2642B with metal mask option of the variable timing of the universal wiper relay action: 0.64 seconds, pause: 10 seconds, rub: 5.8 seconds, the pre wash delay: 0.91 seconds DIP8, SO8
U641B has a pre washing delay of the rub / Wash controller INT/WIWA switch to V battery DIP8, SO8
U642B no pre wash delay of the rub / Wash controller INT/WIWA switch to V battery DIP8, SO8
U840B has a pre - washing delay of the general wiper, variable INT suspended INT switch to ground, WIWA switch to V battery DIP8, SO8
U842B has a pre - washing delay of the general wiper, variable INT suspended INT/WIWA switch to ground DIP8, SO8
Long delay timer integrated circuit
U6032B switching function is triggered by the DIP8 after the POR is defined by the state SO8,
U6046B U6047B adjustable delay 4 sec to 20 hours, the input signal is high, u6046b; input signal is low, U6047B delay can be through the resistor capacitor oscillator resistor adjustment < 650k Omega capacitor < 4700pF DIP8 so8
U6049B cooling timer, thermal switch input, 4 seconds to 20 hours delay delay can be adjusted by resistance capacitance oscillator 650 K, capacitor, DIP8 SO8, 4700pF
Integrated circuit for lamp stop monitoring
U479B 2 comparator, 8mV threshold, single lamp application of electrostatic discharge protection of DIP8 2kV
U2481B U2482B three 2 / 1 double / 4 single heavy comparator, mV 3.5-/13 threshold (lock U2481B) high electromagnetic compatibility, stop lamp lock, fuse monitoring, stop lamp monitoring SO28
U4790B 2 comparator, 8 mV threshold, is applied to the protection of single lamp ESD protection of DIP8 SO8, 10kV
U4791B 2 comparator, 53 mV threshold, is applied to parallel lamp ESD protection of DIP8 SO8, 10kV
U4993B 2 comparator, 44 mV threshold, is applied to the DIP8 SO8, 10kV